Flower of Hope

| Senin, 25 Februari 2013

               Once upon a time, in a big jungle was lived a lot of flowers named “Hana”. They always happy with his group, they always smile and singing together. In other part of jungle, there are lived a lot of fairy, there was two nations of fairy that always war. One of the nation named “Undine” and the other was “Sylph”.

                In a rainy day, the fairy was war in flowers field, a lot of flowers was killed because the power of fairy. Not long, the flowers do something as possible as they can, they say loudly “Peace! Freedom! Happiness!” that always repeated. Little by little, the saber beam attack and supernatural power attack was vanish.
                The fairy that war in sky go down and joined the fairy from ground, they silent enough long, then the one of all the fairy say loudly “They are right, with the war we just make a destruction and pain. But, with the friendship we can make a happiness.”. Then, all of the fairy say “Yeah, that’s right.”. All of the flowers was smile, they was very happy that the fairy not war again. “You all like a ‘flower of hope’ in our life.”

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